Define Started Tasks Using JOBNAME Parameter And Different ACID In Top Secret
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Define Started Tasks Using JOBNAME Parameter And Different ACID In Top Secret


Article ID: 213946


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Top Secret


Is it possible to use a single PROC to start multiple started tasks, but use different jobnames with each task having a different ACID? The start command is:

S procname,JOBNAME=jobname.

If yes, how should this be defined so each "jobname" is associated with a different ACID?


Release : 16.0

Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS


Set OPTIONS(84) in the Top Secret parameter file. OPTIONS(84) assigns a specific ACID to a started task, based on the JOBNAME parameter specified when initiating the started task. For example, a started task can be started with the following command:

S proc_name,JOBNAME=job_name

Specifies the procedure name of the started task. This procedure determines which ACID to assign to the started task procedure (proc_name).

With OPTIONS(84) set, the following could be issued for each “job_name” to be associated with a different “aaaa” (acid). 

TSS ADD(STC) PROCNAME(jobname) ACID(aaaa) 

For example,


would associate acid BOB with the job JOB123 in the start command:

S procname,JOBNAME=JOB123

- The OPTIONS control option can not be set dynamically (via TSS MODIFY). It must be set in the Top Secret parameter file and Top Secret recycled to pick up the change.
- OPTIONS(84) will still honor the current S procname if no JOBNAME= is included in the start command.