Get error when trying to deploy from OVF: NVRAM files cannot be imported
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Get error when trying to deploy from OVF: NVRAM files cannot be imported


Article ID: 213922


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Rally On-Premise


When trying to create a new VM from the OVF template, the following error is thrown:

"Failed to deploy OVF package. ThrowableProxy.cause A general system error occurred: Unexpected error: the following NVRAM files cannot be imported: GA2.1.0-vm-rally-services-airgap-file1.nvram."


Release : 2.1


This can be caused when trying to import to a VMware 6.5 environment


This will be broken into two different sections; services VM and database VM.  These steps are also geared towards the airgap distribution, however, the steps can be applied to non-airgap, provided the filenames in the steps below are substituted with your actual filenames and you use the correct SHA256 hashes when updating the .MF files.


Unpack to your computer

Services VM

Use 7-zip to unpack GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.ova

Delete GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle-file1.nvram

Edit GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.ovf

Delete the following lines:

<File ovf:href="GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle-file1.nvram" ovf:id="file2" ovf:size="8684"/>

<vmw:ExtraConfig ovf:required="false" vmw:key="nvram" vmw:value="ovf:/file/file2"/>

Save the file

Open a powershell window to the location where you unpacked the files and run the following command:

(Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.ovf).Hash.Tolower()

Output should be ebb7c59e71dd607cdc738d841a674ba08221e9e7ea4cdd9dc7e365a4972fbc22


Update SHA256(GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.ovf) with the new SHA value above

Delete the following line:

SHA256(GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle-file1.nvram)= 71cd833abea638bafde7d1a2193d5773b68461a99acb992a4aea849d600173ec


Database VM

Use 7-zip to unpack GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.ova

Delete GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle-file1.nvram

Edit GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.ovf

Delete the following lines:

<File ovf:href="GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle-file1.nvram" ovf:id="file2" ovf:size="8684"/>

<vmw:ExtraConfig ovf:required="false" vmw:key="nvram" vmw:value="ovf:/file/file2"/>

Save the file

Open a powershell window to the location where you unpacked the files

(Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.ovf).Hash.Tolower()

Output should be ebb7c59e71dd607cdc738d841a674ba08221e9e7ea4cdd9dc7e365a4972fbc22


Update SHA256(GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.ovf) with the new SHA value above

Delete the following line:

SHA256(GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle-file1.nvram)= 71cd833abea638bafde7d1a2193d5773b68461a99acb992a4aea849d600173ec


Uploading to vCenter

Now you will create a new machine from a template as you would normally do with the OVA file, however, when prompted for files you will now need to select all files that are associated with a single VM instead of an OVA file. 

For example, to import the Oracle VM, choose the GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.ovf, and GA2.1.0-vm-rally-oracle.vmdk files. 

Perform the same operation in a second import for the services VM