Converting to log streams
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Converting to log streams


Article ID: 213897


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JARS SMF Director


We have SMF running on all 3 of our Lpars right now, Prod, Devl, and Test using the SYS1.MAN datasets.   It runs great with no issues.

We'd like to start thinking about converting to LogStream.  Test at first and then others.

I've read about logstreams and it looks like I can continue to use the same SDCD just add a LS dsname into the Test Definition. 

I don't understand how once the data is dumped by CASMF into history files does it act the same way that it does under a normal CASFDUMP?

Can it be retrieved via the same type of extract?  What tells CaSMF to run a different Proc CASFDUML? 

Eventually can all 3 Lpars use the same dataset naming convention.

Will the jobs we have setup to split Daily, Weekly, and Monthy records still be the same?


Release : 12.7

Component : CA SMF Director


1) Yes, you can use the same SCDS file.  That's recommended to make it easier to access the data if you need it from both the MAN file and log stream archives.
2) The dump process is different in that a different program is used, SMFDLS.  This program drives the dump process and initiates the reading of the data from the logstreams. It attaches the main SMF Director program as a subtask.  There is a sample PROC in the installed CASFPROC library called CASFDUML that shows how the log stream dump can be set up.  It points to sample input parameters in the installed CASFPARM library. 
3) The EXTRACTs that the customer has set up will look through both the MAN file dumps and log stream dumps for data by default. No need to change the EXTRACT jobs at all. 
4) Your dataset and log stream naming conventions do not need to change.  The log streams have naming conventions defined by IBM, but SMF Director has no restrictions on them. 
5) If the daily, weekly and monthly jobs are EXTRACTs then there should be no need to change them. 
The main changes needed when going to log streams is how the data is put into the SMF Director archive.  Once it is in the archive, getting it out isn't changed.  You still run the SMFD program to extract the data.  The SMFDLS program is only needed when dumping.