Connection issue to AutoSys Agent in Azure
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Connection issue to AutoSys Agent in Azure


Article ID: 213847


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Autosys Workload Automation CA Workload Automation AE - System Agent (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


After a successful installation of Agent 11.4 SP1 Agent on Linux Red Hat 7 in Azure environment, cannot connect to the Agent :

$ autoping -m machine-name

CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [machine-name]
CAUAJM_E_10229 Communication attempt with the CA WAAE Agent has failed! []
CAUAJM_E_50281 AutoPing from the Scheduler WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL.

CAUAJM_E_10229 Communication attempt with the CA WAAE Agent has failed! []
CAUAJM_E_50283 AutoPing from the Application Server WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL.



Release : 11.4 SP1

Component : WORKLOAD Agent


We fixed several problems and now the Agent can communicate successfully with the AutoSys Server :

1. The Agent needed to be installed with a user key.

2. The required ports needed to be opened

3. The name resolution was not setup correctly for the newly installed Agent on the DNS Server.

We could find the following errors reported in the “transmitter.log” file of the Agent when trying to connect to the Scheduler :

04/27/2021 08:14:07.468+0000 5 TCP/IP Controller Plugin.Transmitter pool thread <Regular:2>[:747] - Attempting to send:    20210427 08140746+0000 T01_SCH WA_AGENT 114143.19727988_1_CM/WAAE_WF0.1/MAIN STATE COMPLETE Cmpc(0) Plugin(communicationmanager) User(WA_AGENT) Host(agent-hostname)

04/27/2021 08:14:07.469+0000 5 TCP/IP Controller Plugin.Transmitter pool thread <Regular:2>.CybTargetHandlerChannelLogHelper.logConnectionAttempt[:75] - Attempting to open conversation to T01_SCH@server-hostname:7507 using plain socket

04/27/2021 08:14:07.537+0000 1 TCP/IP Controller Plugin.Transmitter pool thread <Regular:2>.CybTargetHandlerChannel.a[:1202] - Error connecting to T01_SCH:   < =======

                                                                                                                          cybermation.library.communications.CybConversationConnectException: Unknown host: server-hostname  < ======


4. As a workaround solution, you can add the following line in the /etc/hosts file of the Agent node :

Ip-address-of-server    hostname.domaine-name     hostname  


The encountered problem is resolved by applying the provided solutions. Jobs are completed successfully.