BSI Adapter doesn't find Registry Keys
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BSI Adapter doesn't find Registry Keys


Article ID: 213787


Updated On:


CA Business Service Insight



after a reboot the adapters aren't finding registry keys.

The registry key should be under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Oblicore\Adapters

But when we start an adapter in the GUI we get this error in the logfile:

<msg l="I" s="0" u="5" code="ffffffff" msg="Adapter message" o="Oblicore Adapter" f="RDMain.cpp" ln="114" t="22/04/2021 12:10:48" info="Starting Adapter version"/>
<msg l="I" s="0" u="5" code="ffffffff" msg="Adapter message" o="Oblicore Adapter" f="RDMain.cpp" ln="115" t="22/04/2021 12:10:48" info="Adapter Command line: E:\Oblicore\Adapters\SqlAdapter.exe -d -n Adapter "/>
<msg l="E" s="0" u="5" code="ffffffff" msg="Adapter message" o="Oblicore Adapter" f="ReaderParameters.cpp" ln="269" t="22/04/2021 12:10:49" info="Configuration file name does not exist in the registry. 
Registry key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Oblicore\Adapters\Adapter  String value=ConfigurationFileName"/>

Why is the adapter is checking for the 64bit registry key and not for the 32bit key?

All the other registry keys for oblicore are under this Wow6432Node


Release : 8.3.5

Component : CA Business Service Insight


Adapter user had lost the Windows permissions to read the registry to determine the necessary configuration information stored there. This was granted again.