De-integrating the Data Center Security Virtual Appliance (SVA) for an NSX and vCenter upgrade
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De-integrating the Data Center Security Virtual Appliance (SVA) for an NSX and vCenter upgrade


Article ID: 213742


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server


If you are upgrading your NSX/vCenter environment, follow this article to de-integrate from your DCS environment before you upgrade.

Then follow the steps to re-integrate with the DCS environment after the vCNS environment is upgraded.


Data Center Security Server 6.7-6.9x

**Check the DCS Platform Feature Matrix for the version of DCS you are running, to ensure the version of vCenter & NSX you are upgrading to are supported by DCS 


NSX/vCenter upgrade plan including DCS SVA de-integration:

  1. Remove any applied polices to your security groups in NSX Service Composer
  2. Remove SVAs and Guest Introspection from NSX Installation & Upgrade /Service deployment.
  3. Remove Service Definitions & Service manager using the Vmware VSphere full web client (you won’t see service definitions in the html version)
  4. Unregister then delete the NSX/vCenter integration from the UMC Settings "Integration Page"
  5. Remove the SVA OVA from the UMC Settings "Integration Page" (only required if you are upgrading the DCS Manager)
  6. Upgrade vCenter and NSX (please partner with vmware on steps to perform this)


If you are upgrading the DCS manager, follow the steps below to re-integrate with vCNS environment after it is upgraded:

  1. Upgrade the DCS manager (See KB for DCS Manager upgrade plan) 
  2. Upload the SVA OVA in the UMC
  3. Add the NSX/vCenter integration in the UMC Settings "Integration" page
  4. Add the SVA & Guest Introspection in NSX under Installation & Upgrade- Service Deployments
  5. Re-Apply the NSX security policy in NSX Service Composer
  6. Wait 5-10 minutes for the vCNS environment to sync with DCS then check to ensure your SVAs & GVM's protection status is showing as normal.


Please collect the DCS manager logs (Collect Server Info) and contact support if you have any issues while de-integrating or re-integrating