We are trying to use autosys_Secure to delete and user and it is failing.
Using this command:
bash-4.1$ autosys_secure -d -u <username><SPECIALCHAR><username>@<DOMAIN>
CA WAAE Security Utility
CAUAJM_I_60426 Delete a user: <username>^<username>@<DOMAIN>
CAUAJM_E_60435 User <username>^<username>@<DOMAIN> or the attribute PASSWORD for the user does not exist. Request aborted.
CAUAJM_E_60138 User delete aborted.
How to fix this?
Autosys R12.x
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)
special characters in the user name such as ^ or unprintable characters such as a space at the end of the name will cause updates and deletes to fail
the only way to fix this is to delete the entry manually from the database directly.
Work with your DBA to remove the incorrect entries.
You can do a list of all users with:
autosys_secure -s -host ALL
a direct query
select * from ujo_cred where owner like '%ecmsh%';
delete from ujo_cred where owner like '%ecmsh%';
select * from aedbadmin.ujo_cred where owner like '%ecmsh%';
delete aedbadmin.ujo_cred where owner like '%ecmsh%';