How do you convert a Java Keystore (jks) to a PKCS#12 formatted keystore for use with SslConfig?
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How do you convert a Java Keystore (jks) to a PKCS#12 formatted keystore for use with SslConfig?


Article ID: 213726


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


How do you convert a Java Keystore (jks) to a PKCS#12 formatted keystore for use with SslConfig?


Release : All suipported releases of Performance Management


keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore [original_keystore.jks] -destkeystore [new_keystore.p12] -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass [passwordForNew_Keystore]

List of example parameters:

original_keystore.jks: path to the keystore that you want to convert.
new_keystore.p12: path to the PKCS#12 file (.p12 or .pfx extension) that will be created.
passwordForNew_Keystore: The password that will be requested for access to the new p12 keystore.

Additional Information

From here you can view the new_keystore.p12 contents with either of the two following commands:

keytool -list -v -keystore new_keystore.p12 -storepass passwordForNew_Keystore
openssl pkcs12 -info -in new_keystore.p12 -nodes