The below additional steps are required if you have a SAML configuration / ADFS based
Release : 15.9.1+
Login to the database.
Run the below command, this will make the lookup editable in UI.
UPDATE cmn_lookup_types SET is_system=0 WHERE lookup_type='AUTHN_CONTEXTS';
Restart the appplication.
Navigate to Administration → Lookups, search for lookup id AUTHN_CONTEXTS.
Navigate to Values on the Lookup and add a new Value with name as 'urn:federation:authentication:windows' and id as 'windows'.
On the database run the below command to update the value of the lookup. UPDATE ODF_MULTI_VALUED_LOOKUPS SET value='urn:federation:authentication:windows',DWH_VALUE ='urn:federation:authentication:windows' WHERE ATTRIBUTE = 'sec_req_auth_context';
The ASSERTION_CON_URL of CMN_SEC_SAML_CONFIGS should be set to 'https://SERVERNAME/niku/nu' and not until #action:homeActionID. Check with query: select ASSERTION_CON_URL from CMN_SEC_SAML_CONFIGS If not set as expected, run the query: UPDATE CMN_SEC_SAML_CONFIGS SET ASSERTION_CON_URL='http(s)://SERVERNAME/niku/nu';
Revert the changes to AUTHN CONTEXTS lookup_type (set back to System-restricted lookup) by running the following update.
UPDATE cmn_lookup_types SET is_system=2 WHERE lookup_type='AUTHN_CONTEXTS';