CA View / CA Web Viewer - CAHVS030313E Message Received When Trying to Browse Offline Report via Web Viewer
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CA View / CA Web Viewer - CAHVS030313E Message Received When Trying to Browse Offline Report via Web Viewer


Article ID: 213677


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I have attempted to implement EAS to view offline reports via Web Viewer.

My implementation consisted of the following steps:

1) Start EAS STC and ensure " PARM='E=xxxx' " matches SARINIT parameter EASTNAM1=xxxx, which should be "LEAS".

2) Amended the database/repository in CA WEB VIEWER from Recallable to EAS

3) Used the default SAREASUX as supplied in the loadlib

When I try to view an offline report via Web Viewer (R14.0.02 build 25) I receive the following error:

  CAHVS0313E CA View report data open failed (CAHVS1131E Report "ABCDEFG" Gen=7839 Seq=1 not available for access)

What have I missed?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


The following elements are necessary to implement the View EAS on the mainframe:

 . View SAREAS STC task, with PARM='E=xxxx,...'

 . SARINIT parameters:

 . . EASTNAM1=xxxx -- To match the parm setting in the SAREAS task
 . . TAPEOPT=EAST,... -- To designate use of EAS
 . Use of default or modified SAREASUX exit

 . Licensing -- LMP key for product code VI


The missing element was SARINIT TAPEOPT. 

Once the parameter was changed, and the SARSTC task was recycled, the client was able to access reports on tape, in Web Viewer, with no errors.