Is there WSS Agent available for Linux systems?
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Is there WSS Agent available for Linux systems?


Article ID: 213650


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Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


Is there WSS Agent available for Linux systems?


How can I access Cloud SWG from a Linux host?


WSS Agent.

Symantec Enterprise Agent.

SEP Agent.


WSS / SEA / SEP Agent build is not currently available for Linux systems. It is available for Windows 10, Windows 11 and MAC systems only.

Additional information regarding WSS Agent versions and supported operating systems can be found here.

As alternatives, you can connect from a Linux system to Cloud SWG via

  • Other fixed site access methods like explicit proxy, IPSec, ProxySG Forwarding.
    • Additional information on these access methods can be found here.
  • Using Chrome with captive portal extensions documented here.

Although discussions are going ahead on a Linux Agent, no release date is available at this moment.