CA View - Error message SARDRP01 - Allocation failed - Error=970C
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CA View - Error message SARDRP01 - Allocation failed - Error=970C


Article ID: 213492


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The SAR View STC task ran out of Forward Recovery file space and shut down the STC. 

Here is the error message:

*SARDRP01  Allocation failed for "VIEW.SYSTEM1.SARFRDS.D0012568" - Error=970C, Info=0000
*SARSTC29  Forward recovery terminated due to error


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


The SARDRP01 message indicates that there was failure in the allocation of an extent for the Forward Recovery dataset currently in use. 

In this instance, the client was running many tests with many large reports, and the Forward Recovery dataset had gone through its 16 extents and was looking to allocate another extent and could not. 

As the Forward Recovery dataset was full, the client renamed the current file and allowed the current View generation to continue, as another dataset was created. 

At the the next View backup, the Forward Recovery dataset changed in its name, to the next D00nnnnn number, which means that the earlier Forward Recovery dataset became obsolete and would not be of any future use.