Migrating Easytrieve from z/VSE to z/OS
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Migrating Easytrieve from z/VSE to z/OS


Article ID: 213468


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Easytrieve Report Generator


Looking for a estimate, of the effort to convert Easytrieve programs to run on z/OS from our z/VSE environment.

Easy? just copy the code.

Moderate? copy the code and make an adjustment here and there

Hard? Analyzation of the existing environment to find programs that will not port over.


Outside of some parameters, there is no difference in the Easytrieve language     
between the two operating systems when the Easytrieve program is compiled on both        
environments with same EZT+ release.   

In most instances, this will not be the case, since z/VSE is at Easytrieve  R6.3. 

Following are the procedures to migrate:                                    
1. Install Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.6 on z/OS.                                                
2. Adapt the JCl of the batch jobs manually from a /VSE to z/OS syntax. There is no convertibility-help available for it.          3. If the Easytrieve programs on z/VSE were compiled with same Easytrieve+ release that is         
installed on z/OS, then just move the compiled phases from z/VSE to z/OS.     
4. If the Easytrieve+ programs on z/VSE were compiled with a different Easytrieve+ release than were   
installed on z/OS, the programs will have to be recompiled again under new operating system using the new Easytrieve Report Generator release 11.6 libraries.