Copying the MDB to a new DB server with a fresh install.
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Copying the MDB to a new DB server with a fresh install.


Article ID: 213466


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CA Service Catalog


As part of a Datacenter Migration we have built new Service Catalog servers, we would like to copy the MDB form our existing server to the new servers to bring all the data across, however we would like to ignore tables that contain server/configuration information.

Which are the tables we need to ignore?


Release : 17.x



Here is a full list of tables in the MDB with info specific to the old host names.

Common Tables:
delete from al_cdb_comp_installstate_bkup
delete from al_cdb_componentinstallstate
delete from al_cdb_config_params_backup
delete from al_cdb_configurationparameters
delete from al_cdb_files
delete from ca_application_registration

CA SDM Tables:
delete from options
delete from usp_servers
delete fromsapolicy
delete from ci_mdr_provider
delete from usp_domsrvr
delete from usp_configuration
delete from usp_webeng_alias
delete from usp_webeng_domsrvr
delete from usp_webengine
delete from object_promotion (applicable only if CA Service Management 14.1.02 is installed)
delete from promo_hist (applicable only if CA Service Management 14.1.02 is installed)

CA Service Catalog tables:
delete from usm_configuration

CA APM tables:
delete from al_meta_binary_store
delete from al_process_account

Delete the following CA APM tables, if you have CA Service Management14.1.02 installed in your system: 
delete from al_apmp_def
 delete from al_apmp_operation
delete from al_apmp_content_types
delete from al_apmp_progress_status
delete from al_apmp_record_filter
delete from al_apmp_run_stage

CA xFlow Interface tables:
Delete from l1admin_general_config

CA  Search Server tables:
Delete from usp_es_servers

You'll find further information on moving the MDB to a new location here:

Also, while the usm_configuration table does contain host-specific information that you won't want to bring across (e.g. pam server integration config), some of it is very useful to bring across. In particular, I recommended the contents of

select * from usm_configuration where group_name = 'request'