Client Automation - Replication of Asset Job Comment not working
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Client Automation - Replication of Asset Job Comment not working


Article ID: 213435


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Asset Management


AM Asset Jobs could return a long status text (>127 characters). This status text appear correctly at Domain level but is not replicated to Enterprise correctly.

Example :

Status Text is correct at domain level and contains big text :



But at entreprise level, status text is empty :



Client Automation 14.0 SP3 and 14.5


AM Status text job is stored in database in column sttext of table statjob. This column has a maximum size of 127 characters
If Status Text is longer than 127 characters, the remaining text are stored in table statjobm.
There is a replication problem with table statjobm


Open a Case at CA Broadcom Technical Support and ask for fix :
- T5IZ425 for 14.0 SP3
- T5IZ440 for 14.5