Sometimes after a NFA Console server reboots, the Pump Service is in a weird state and needs to be restarted. The Last flow times for ALL harvester's devices will be behind in this case. Actual data would be collecting, however new interfaces will not license when this is occuring. In the PumpLog2021-xx-xx.log you will see this at the bottom:
9:01:19 -1 - Pump: Pump started.
9:01:52 -1 - OnStart() - :
Connection must be valid and open.
System.InvalidOperationException: Connection must be valid and open.
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.ExceptionInterceptor.Throw(Exception exception)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Throw(Exception ex)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.CheckState()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
at NetQoS.Data.MySqlDataComponentBase.ExecuteScalar(MySqlConnection connection, String sql, DataParameter[] dataParameters)
at NetQoS.Data.MySqlDataComponentBase.ExecuteScalar(String sql, DataParameter[] dataParameters)
at NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.Data.ReporterAnalyzer.ParameterDescriptionsDc.GetValueByParameter(String parameter)
at NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.Business.SystemSettings.GetValueByName(SystemSettingName name)
at NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.PumpService.Pump.StartPump()
Network Flow Analysis
1. Go to Windows Services
2. Restart the "NetQoS Reporter/Analyzer Pump Service
3. Give it some time to process the backlog of RPR and FLT files