For troubleshooting purposes, is there a way to increase the CompleteSubTaskAssignmentComponent allowed TIMEOUT?
ServiceDesk 8.5 RU3, RU4
Do the following to increase the CompleteSubTaskAssignmentComponent allowed TIMEOUT:
0) Backup file C:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\WorkflowDeploy\Release\SD.IncidentManagementSimple.Subtask\Primary.model
1) In the Workflow Manager open project C:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\WorkflowProjects\SD.IncidentManagementSimple.Subtask.package
2) In the Primary model view find the "Complete Incident Management" component
3) Doubleclick it and go to "advanced" tab
Increase the timeout value to X (600000 stands for 10 minutes) ms. The default is 30000, which is half a minute.
Then press OK twice.
4) Save the project via the save icon
5) Rightclik on the Promary Model node and select Export.
6) Save the file as Primary.Model (rewrite existing) under the folder C:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\WorkflowDeploy\Release\SD.IncidentManagementSimple.Subtask
7) Restart both IIS where ProcessManager console is hosted and Workflow Service called "Symantec Workflow Server".