Bulk PRINT of archived CA Bundle Reports Via Batch job?
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Bulk PRINT of archived CA Bundle Reports Via Batch job?


Article ID: 213264


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We are looking for a way to print multiple archived reports from the CA BUNDL database. Currently, we are only aware of the online/manual 'P' selection process to print the reports.

1) Is there a way to print multiple reports from CA Bundl using a batch job?

2) Is there a way to print these reports to a dataset rather then just back into the JES spool?


Release : 5.0



Regarding Q1 - Is there a way to print multiple reports from CA Bundl using a batch job?

CA Bundl does not provide a batch utility that directly prints reports from the CA Bundl database. CA Bundl does however provide a batch utility (CC50J080) that you can use to build REPRINT requests (from archive), that would then be processed by the regular CC50J005 reprint processing batch job. This could be useful for you if you have a LOT of reports to reprint, and those reports have a specific commonalities, such as the same application id, mailcode, report id or perhaps reports that fall within a particular date range, etc...

Regarding Q2 - Is there a way to print these reports to a dataset rather then just back into the JES spool?

Yes. You can have a DTF record (Output Device record) set up to write reports to a dataset rather than to the JES spool. Additionally, if you use CC50J080 to build the reprint requests for you, CC50J080 would allow you to direct those reprints to the specific DTF record that writes reports to a dataset, by way of using the 'RIFDV=' parameter.