Command line options available for the MacOS Cloud Enabled Management Installer
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Command line options available for the MacOS Cloud Enabled Management Installer


Article ID: 213261


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IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


You are deploying the MacOS Cloud-Enabled Management (CEM) installer and want to customize the installation.


Symantec Management Platform 8.x


The MacOS CEM installer has three command line options for installation.

Inside the zip file created when you generate and download the CEM package you will find the following directory structure:

<Package Name Specified>\Cloud-enabled Agent Installation Package\Resources

Inside the folder Resources is a script file,

The command line options for are:

Generic options:
     --help, -h - Display this usage information and exit immediately.

Specific options:
     -dir <dir> - specify installation directory
     -pwd <pwd> - specify password to decrypt package
     -reinstall - will reinstall agent discarding previous settings

Note that the -pwd needs the password inside of single quotes.

If the -dir option is not used, you will be prompted to either enter it or accept the default installation path (/opt/altiris/notification/nsagent/). 

If the client computer already has an agent installed, use the -reinstall switch.

Note that in the latest versions of MacOS, you will still get prompted by the OS 
