Trouble running Datamover from 11.3.6 to 12.x
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Trouble running Datamover from 11.3.6 to 12.x


Article ID: 213192


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Autosys Workload Automation


We are having trouble running Datamover in our development environment.

It seems to hang and will not complete successfully.

There is nothing in the logs to indicate why, it just stops writing.

Source is Oracle 12c, AutoSys 11.3.6

Target is Oracle 19c, AutoSys 12



Release : 12



You would not use datamover if the source db was already AutoSys 11.3.6 and the target is AutoSys 12.x   
The datamover is for when the source is AutoSys 4.x or 11.0.  
If it is anything higher then should get two dbs to be at the same AutoSys version and then autobcp to make them equal.

You could either run createaedb from the 11.3.6 to create a new db which your AutoSys 12 will eventually use.
Then autobcp between them (11.3.6 to 11.3.6).
Then run the createaedb from the autosys 12 to upgrade it.
Or you could run createaedb from autosys 12 against the autosys 11.3.6 db so then they would both be 12.x 
(assuming you already have one autosys 12.x db in place)..
And then autobcp between them.

Option one would be best because that way you have your 11.3.6 environment still whole if for some reason you need to revert.
Otherwise make sure you engage the dba so they can make a backup of the dbs before any actions are taken and restore the dbs if needed.