After upgrade to 15.9.1, the Post Timesheet job is failing with a java heap space out of memory error. Similar to:
ERROR 2021-03-15 11:37:03,894 [Dispatch Post Timesheets : bg@HOSTNAME (tenant=clarity)] xql2.xbl (clarity:admin:123456__B4471BA5-E47C-4010-B718-A72FC5187B7F:Post Timesheets) ****POSTTIMESHEET: Error posting timesheet - unknown error-->timesheetID=6067805
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Release : 15.9.1
This has been reported as DE60108 and is related to the new NK Curves introduced in 15.9.1 It can happen if more than 1000 timesheets are being posted at one time.
This is fixed in Patch and 15.9.2.
For details on 15.9.1 patch 1 see: Clarity and Jaspersoft Cumulative Patch README Files
For details on 15.9.2 see: Clarity Release Notes