Our DBA created DEVTEST Tables for IAM , ED , Registry and CAI using the DDL from DevTest/Database folder with DBA privileges. Once the tables are created , we created a user - APPUser in Oracle, that has less privileges to start all the DevTest components.
IAM and ED starts fine.
While starting Registry service, its giving the error message.
This is critical and impacting our onboarding for perf testing.
Release : 10.7 or newer
Component : CA Service Virtualization
BAsed on what we found in the latest log file , it could be seen that we are trying to setup agent schema " Creating Pathfinder Schema"
For DB users with less priviledges, Make sure you set the property lisa.database.migration.safeguards to false in local.properties. It is true by default. It is important to ensure that the db user has dba level privileges during the upgrade.
1. in local.properties add :
2. for the error you are seeing, its trying to create the Agent tables.
Changed rules.xml to skip setting up the Broket/Agent tables.
Solution to skip setting AGENT/Broker tables:
Edit rules.xml file in LISA_HOME folder. Add the XML elements in bold. Make sure you add the property separately under agent, broker and console sections as shown below. Save the file and restart registry.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rules>
<agent guid="-2032180703" name="DEFAULT">
<property comment="Enable querying of the JMX counters via the agent" key="lisa.agent.jmx.enabled" value="true"/>
<property comment="Persistence" key="PERSISTENCE_DISABLED" value="true"/>
<!--************ Broker *************-->
<property comment="The logging level of the root category" key="lisa.log.level" value="dev"/>
<property comment="Persistence" key="PERSISTENCE_DISABLED" value="true"/>
<!--************ Console ************-->
<property comment="Broker url when run in embedded mode (i.e. in LW)" key="lisa.console.agent.broker.url" value="tcp://localhost:2009?daemon=true"/>
<property comment="Persistence" key="PERSISTENCE_DISABLED" value="true"/>
3. Also , make sure the connection pool size is at a higher number, and you don't get starvation on connection pools.