How to create a dump for system or user abend within the IMS tools suite
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How to create a dump for system or user abend within the IMS tools suite


Article ID: 21311


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Database Analyzer (IMS Tools) Mainframe Configuration Manager for IMS for z/OS IMS TOOLS - MISC Compress Data Compression (IMS Tools) Database Analyzer for IMS for z/OS Database Copier for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer for IMS for z/OS Mainframe Extended Terminal Manager (IMS Tools) High Performance Recovery for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer (IMS Tools) Mainframe Program Restart Manager for IMS for z/OS Secondary Index Builder for IMS for z/OS Secondary Index for IMS for z/OS DATABASE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR IMS FOR Z/OS


By default a dump only will be produced if a IMS tools execution ends with a return code equal or greater than 17.
However a dump might be necessary for problem analysis for any failing job execution, even if the return code is less than 17.


If a dump is needed for problem analysis with a failing IMS tool execution which does NOT produce a dump, re-run this job using an additional execution option
ABENDRC=n (where n is equal or less than the return code being issued by the failing job execution).

The dump is written to DD statement SYSUDUMP, which will be dynamically allocated by the IMS tool.