Where can I find the Asset Management techid of a software definition, as used in the \uam\BAK\amsoft.xml?
eg: In SQL a sw_def_uuid is 0xDE1D80C7F85DCB4C97BD595EF6404110, while it's Asset Management techid is C7801DDE-5DF8-4CCB-97BD-595EF6404110.
Where are these numers related to each other?
need a SQL query or a cadsmcmd statement to pair software definitions to their techids.
Release : 1403
User below SQL and convert binary to uuid format. in the database the uuid is stored in binary format
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(50), CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,sw_def_uuid)) as 'techid',name from ca_software_def
You will get the result as below