GitBridge -- communication with Bitbucket using Control Freak
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GitBridge -- communication with Bitbucket using Control Freak


Article ID: 213052


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Control Freak for Bitbucket is having an effect on processes in Bridge for Git:

15/Apr/2021 14:52:03,534-ÝERROR¨ WebhookEndpoint: Problem occurred while trying to contact the payload URL!                        
15/Apr/2021 14:52:03,534-ÝERROR¨ WebhookEndpoint:                                                                                  
com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException: POST http://host:port/rest/evcs/v1/hooks/mfwebhook returned a res
onse status of 401 Unauthorized                

Spawn task log:

 37               LOGON/JOB INITIATION - REVOKED USER ACCESS ATTEMPT                                                             
 06.32.46 STC33764  ENSRVRAC: PWBS RACROUTE FAILED, PASSWORD INCORRECT                                                               
 06.32.46 STC33764  +BC1PAPI - API HALTED BECAUSE RC=00020 ENCOUNTERED                                                               
 06.33.17 STC33764 @ BC1PINIT MAIN: ASXBSENV field X(009B1490) USERID @XXXX   , ASXBUSER @XXXX        


Release : 18.1

Component : BRIDGE FOR GIT 2.7.1


Development team made the following suggestion: 

1.  Setting the right option in B4G to work with Control freak.  Set it up to commit-author: MAPPING_USER to work with the current settings.
2.  Whitelist the branch names for revert branches.  This isn't about disabling Control freak settings but rather accommodating the function for dealing with sync errors in addition to site regular branch naming standards.

Broadcom just published B4G 2.8, this version contains a fix that ensures users are always connected with commits for Bridge, this will help enabling Control Freak in BitBucket.