We have installed r12 application in primary, shadow and tiebreaker server and post installation.
we do not see scheduler service running message in chk_auto_command for primary, secondary and tie breaker server.
The background services are running,
CAUAJM_I_50054 Attempting (1) to Connect with Database: xxxxPRI
CAUAJM_I_50055 *** Have Connected successfully with Database: xxxxxPRI. ***
CAUAJM_I_50128 Connected with Event Server: xxxxxPRI
CAUAJM_I_50054 Attempting (1) to Connect with Database: xxxxxxxSHD
CAUAJM_I_50055 *** Have Connected successfully with Database: xxxxxxxxSHD. ***
CAUAJM_I_50128 Connected with Event Server: xxxxxxxSHD
CAUAJM_I_50038 Checking AutoSys Primary Scheduler on Machine: PRIMARY.example.host
CAUAJM_I_50039 No Scheduler is RUNNING on machine: PRIMARY.example.com
CAUAJM_I_50038 Checking AutoSys Shadow Scheduler on Machine: SHADOW.example.host
CAUAJM_I_50039 No Scheduler is RUNNING on machine: SHADOW.xxdom.com
CAUAJM_I_50038 Checking AutoSys Tie-Breaker Scheduler on Machine: TIEBREAKER.example.host
CAUAJM_I_50039 No Scheduler is RUNNING on machine: TIEBREAKER.example.host
Release : 12
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)
The problem is due to the wrong hostnames PRIMARY.xxdom.com/SHADOW.example.host/TIEBREAKER.example.host which may not be reachable on the network. This was being picked up from /etc/host entries.
There was an entry in etc/hosts file with FQDN name which was wrong. After removing the entry from hosts file and restarting the autosys services in all three servers the issue was resolved.