I am trying to find the SVW$MAIN parmlib member and I can not. The manual states the following:
The SVW$MAIN parmlib member provides the SYSVIEW main address space with initialization information. The definitions that are contained in the member determine which additional components and subtasks are started or enabled.
The MEM=parameter contained on the SYSVIEW started task procedure specifies the parmlib member that is to be used for initialization information. The SVW$MAIN parmlib member is the default member that is specified.
NOTE SVW$MAIN is the default name of this parmlib member. You can rename it according to a naming convention that is specific to your site.
If it was renamed, how does SYSVIEW find it?
Release : 15.0 and above
Component : SYSVIEW
First, review the SYSVIEW STC output and do a find on MEM= Note what it points to, if not SVW$MAIN. To determine what dataset it is in, then go into SYSVIEW and enter command:
LIBVIEW PARMLIB SVW$MAIN (or the name of the member if different)
The resulting display will show the name of the dataset in which SYSVIEW is finding that member on the top line of the resulting display. If the SVW$MAIN has been renamed, it will be found in the GSVXssid in the hlq.CNM4SCFG dataset.