How can I find out which TPX user exits are active?
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How can I find out which TPX user exits are active?


Article ID: 21293


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


How can I find out which TPX user exits are active?

Is there a simple way to check if the TPX region has customer written user exits loaded and active?




Release: NVINAM00200-5.3-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package


TPX 5.4 published solutions RO88385 & RO88384 introduced the ability to display the status of user exits as well as quiesce (deactivate) a user exit via TPX Operator (TPXOPER) commands:

  • D EXIT
  • Q EXIT=userexit

Complete details have been added to the TPX 5.4 documentation wiki: 


You can also verify the version of a load module by checking the time stamp in the TPX LOG. 

All the load module names of TPX exits start with TPXU.

Check the TPX LOG for the TPXL0003 load messages at the beginning of the log for following names:

TPXUGACB - ACB Selection Exit
TPXUPSYM - ACL Parameter Exit
TPXUCMND - Command Exit
TPXUCSIM - Command Simulation Exit
TPXUENDE - Encrypt/Decrypt Exit
TPXUERR1 - Error Processing Exit
TPXULOGW - LOG Writer Exit
TPXULOGN - Logon Exit
TPXUMAIL - Mail Exit
TPXUMENU - Menu Exit
TPXUPBNR - Print Banner Exit
TPXUPSEL - Printer Selection Exit
TPXUQRSP - Query Response Exit
TPXUQUEU - Queue Exit
TPXURECV - Receive Exit
TPXUROUT - Route Exit
TPXUSEND - Send Exit
TPXUSIST - Session Initiation/Termination Exit
TPXUSNSF - Signon and Signoff Exit
TPXUSWIN - Switch-in Exit
TPXUTOOO - Timeout Option Override Exit
TPXUVIEW - View Security Access User Exit

The TPXL0003 message will usually include the assembly time stamp.  This can be compared to the known values for the delivered version of the module for your release.

Example 1:

Our distributed TPX load library contains a TPXUSNSF exit module:

TPXL0003 TPXUSNSF-07/25/13-11.25 in TPX 5.4
TPXL0003 TPXUSNSF-09/22/09-10.19 in TPX 5.3
TPXL0003 TPXUSNSF-12/27/06-12.39 in TPX 5.2
  • If you see above TPXL0003 message with this date/time stamp then you are running our distributed TPXUSNSF exit which basically implements profile assignment for dynamic users.
  • If you see a TPXL0003 message for the TPXUSNSF exit with a different date/time stamp then you are running your own written exit.

Example 2

Similarly, the distributed TPX load library also contains a TPXUENDE exit module.  The TPXL0003 message shows as:

TPXL0003  TPXUENDE-                  blanks rather than a date/time stamp

This module implements a CA proprietary encrypt/decrypt algorithm for storing passwords in memory so that they can be used in ACL/E programs and in session data.

Via this exit you can implement other encrypt/decrypt algorithms.




Additional Information

CA TPX Programming Guide: Setting Up User Exits


TPX 5.4 documentation: DISPLAY Command for User Exits, QUIESCE Command