GLOBAL Zone updates
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GLOBAL Zone updates


Article ID: 212892


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I recently created a new CSI to separate the updates associated with new maintenance from the existing CSI.  However after updating the maintenance in the new CSI I found the Global zone for all of my IDMS related CSI's have been updated. 

1) Will this also be the case once the process is moved over to Z/OSMF?

2) Is there a way to isolate the updates to only a single target CSI global zone? 

3) Since this will be a new base maintenance CSI, our typical practice is to accept the maintenance and then only apply any future maintenance once the release is implemented into production. Is this a recommended practice, should I accept this new base maintenance or is the recommendation to only do the apply and not do an accept any maintenance.  The current base accepted was at CARS 1707 for CA IDMS 19.0. 



Release : 6.0

Component : Chorus Software Manager


You will get this same result using Z/OSMF. It is not CSM or Z/OSMF but SMP/E that's causing this result. It how it was designed.

Having one global zone with multiple target / distribution pairs works best when each target/distribution pair has unique products/FMID's and therefore maintenance.


Having one global zone with multiple target / distribution pairs where each target/distribution pair has the same product/FMID and maintenance will give you the results you are seeing.

The only way to get the result you want to to have a unique global zone for each target and distribution.

I just did a test with CSM installing IDMS into the same global zone with 2 target/distribution zones.

I received LU00020 into the global zone and since it is being shared this is for t1/d1 and t2/d2 zones.

I applied it to t1 and using the edit scope to toggle between the zone pairs I can see that after it is applied to t1 for t2 it shows as received. We all expect this. I then accepted it for t1 and then for t1 CSM shows it as accepted but then CSM shows it as 'not received' for t2. CSM is getting this information directly from the CSI through SMP/E.

The reason is that the accept deletes LU00020 from the global zone/SMPPTS. It does not matter to SMP/E that there are other IDMS target / distribution zones. To apply LU00020 to t2 and then accept it to d2 it must be received again. CSM and SMP/E allows for this.

When sharing a global zone for multiple target/distribution zones with the same product/FMID's etc, you would need to look at the target and distribution zones instead of the global zones.

I hope I'm not misunderstanding your question. 

The benefits of accepting PTF's is that they are removed from SMPPTS minimizing the odds of the receive failing with x37 abends.  This is why I recommend accepting PTF's but ultimately it's up to you.

If you plan on accepting PTF's you will need to re-receive the PTF for each target/distribution zone pair. 

You can receive a PTF once then apply it to all the zones but then accepting to one zone means you will have to re-receive for each distribution into which it is going to be accepted.

This is because SMP/E expects a copy of the PTF to be in SMPPTS for each accept.  I would going having one global zone for target/distribution pair.