[DLP] Failed RPM dependencies when installing Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Servers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installer.sh
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[DLP] Failed RPM dependencies when installing Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Servers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installer.sh


Article ID: 212890


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Enforce


Running the install.sh script returns "error: Failed dependencies:"



Release : 7.x, 8.x

Component : RHEL


The RPM packages require dependencies that are missing from the server. 



Use yum to automatically find and install the missing dependencies. Run the following command from directory where the RPM files were extracted:

for i in `ls *.rpm`; do yum deplist ./$i | sort -u | xargs yum -y install; done;

You can proceed with the install by running either one of the following:



yum localinstall *.rpm 


Download the rpms dependencies locally and install from disk.

NOTE: you need to create the directory where the dependency rpms are downloaded to. /path/to/dlp/download is an example path and that should be changed to the path that is reachable on the system

  1. extract the dlp rpms
  2. mkdir -p /path/to/dlp/rpms/download
  3. yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/path/to/dlp/rpms/download *.rpm 

  4. You should see the following message:

  5. cd /path/to/dlp/rpms/download
  6. yum localinstall *.rpm

NOTE: change /path/to/dlp/rpms to where you extracted the DLP rpms. 


Additional Information

The for loop uses a backtick and not an apostrophe. 

NOTE: Method 2 works for RHEL 8.x, method1 works for RHEL 6.x. RHEL 7.x could use method 1 or 2. 

If using a local repo instead of RedHat repositories add the switch --enablerepo=*, for example:

yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/path/to/dlp/rpms/download *.rpm --enablerepo=*