Unable to configure autosys with oneautomation -  CAUAJM_E_40388 An error has occurred calling One Automation Event Management
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Unable to configure autosys with oneautomation -  CAUAJM_E_40388 An error has occurred calling One Automation Event Management


Article ID: 212846


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


We are getting issues configuring Autosys manager with one automation Event Engine, post one automation EE installation.

event_demon log

[03/26/2021 18:08:01]      CAUAJM_I_40244 EnableIPCaching value set to <1>.
{"code":"IA-0103","error":"Failed to write event data to Kafka"}[03/26/2021 18:09:01]      CAUAJM_E_40388 An error has occurred calling One Automation Event Management - API Response Code rc=500


Release : 12

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


The analytics backend has not started properly on the one automation side.

2021-03-29 00:00:52.873 ERROR 17962 --- [CollectorThread-22] c.a.a.b.rule.FlinkMonitoringService      : Flink is currently unavailable - see next message for details

org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to localhost:8081 [localhost/, localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)


These are the 3 services that needs to be running for the event engine to work.

We can verify this by running the service manager command line as follows in Linux or using servicemanagerdialog in Windows.

./ucybsmcl -c GET_PROCESS_LIST -h xxxxxx:8871 -n Automic

"RULE-ENGINE" "R" "6924" "2021-03-26 15:33" "12/00:59" "0/00:00:00.04"
"ANALYTICS-BACKEND" "R" "1988" "2021-03-26 15:45" "12/00:47" "0/00:05:34.00"
"STREAMING-PLATFORM" "R" "4268" "2021-03-26 15:34" "12/00:58" "0/00:00:00.03"

In this case, the RULE-ENGINE and STREAMING-PLATFORM" were not installed.

These components are only supported on JRE 1.8.

In the GUI-based install, it explicitly tells you this.

"Note that the Event Engine and the Streaming Platform will only be installed with JRE/JDK8."

If the install detects any other Java version it skips installing the Rule engine and streaming platform. Hence we get this error in the analytics backend log.

Additional Information

Compatibility Information for Analytics.On.Premise 2.3.1