Using the new Hardware Services interfaces with the CA OPS/MVS BCPii Server (OPSBCPII), is there a way to list all CPCs/Images/ActProfs, just like how the program ListCPCs/ListImages/ListActProfs does?
Release :
Component : OPS/MVS
The CA OPS/MVS BCPii Server (OPSBCPII) displays the entire topology at startup, in addition it is possible to obtain it anytime issuing the modify command in the general format :
" F stcname,cmdname.OPSx operands "
To show the topology:
Here a sample Rexx that will help extract CPC and LPAR info from the above TOPO list:
/* ----------------------------------------------------*/
/* Displays the BCPii topology. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------*/
Address oper
"f opsbcpii,display.opss topo"
/* ----------------------------------------------------*/
/* uncomment the following code to */
/* extract CPC and LPAR info from the topo list */
/* ----------------------------------------------------*/
cpc_count = 0
lpar_count = 0
do queued()
pull data
if POS('CPC',data) > 0 then do
if lpar_count > 0 then do
say "CPC."cpc_count CPC.cpc_count " has " lpar_count " LPARs."
cpc_count = cpc_count + 1
lpar_count = 0
say "CPC."cpc_count": "WORD(data,4)
if POS('LPAR',data) > 0 then do
lpar_count = lpar_count + 1
say "LPAR."lpar_count": " WORD(data,4)
say "CPC."cpc_count CPC.cpc_count " has " lpar_count " LPARs."