EEM Upgrade while configured in mult-write mode
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EEM Upgrade while configured in mult-write mode


Article ID: 212833


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


We will be upgrading EEM to coming weekend , we would like to know what happens to EEM cluster when we upgrade primary EEM.

Do we need to perform additional steps if EEMs are in cluster ?



Release : 11.3.6

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


If you are upgrading your EEM environment and it is configured for mult-write then you should either....

1) undo the multi-write, 
   upgrade each EEM individually
   then re-establish the multi-write after ALL nodes have been upgraded to the exct same version
2) shut off the other servers EEM servers and upgrade the EEM's one at a time.
 For example, 
 If you have 3 nodes in your EEM multi-write configuration
 server A, Server B, Server C. 
 Shut off B and C, upgrade A.     
 Shut off A, start B, upgrade B.    
 Shut off B, start C, upgrade C. 
 Start them all.

NOTE - We do not support any evironment where clients would attempt to have two different EEM versions configured in a multi-write mode.