When attempting to select the "View Agent Details" option for an agent in the Agent Inventory tab, the following error is displayed...
Release : 11.3.6
This error will appear in the Agent Inventory when the user does not have permission via EEM policy to perform the attempted action.
Access to the various items within the menu for each agent accessed by clicking the 3 dots is controlled by a WCC EEM policy called AgentAccessDefault. For a user to have access to the "View Agent Details", they must be granted the "Fetch" action in the AgentAccessDefault policy. Below are more details about that policy and what each action controls...
Login to EEM under the WCC0004 application
Open the AgentAccess policy folder
Under this folder is an AgentAccessDefault policy. This is the policy that controls what users can do within the Agent Inventory tab. There are four actions associated with this policy...View, Fetch, Configure, and Control. Below is a list of the actions and which menu items they control...
View Status Details
Plugin Details
Download Logs
Download AgentParams
View Agent Details
Update AgentParams
Stop Agent
Restart Agent
Reset Action Status