Link and sync fails on Netmaster 12.2 with error RMSY6907
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Link and sync fails on Netmaster 12.2 with error RMSY6907


Article ID: 212667


Updated On:


NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management NetMaster Network Automation NetMaster Network Management for SNA


We have 3 LPARs that were linked and synced on 12.1.

They were unlinked, upgraded to 12.2, data was migrated, and now we are trying to link and synchronize the regions with /MADMIN.SD.
The process fails with

This error indicates that the access methods in the /PARMS $RM MULTISYS are not the same on the local and remote regions when attempting to synch the databases.

Review of the parameter group shows this on both systems

+- MULTISYS - Multi-System Options ---------------------------------------
| Indicate which Communication Access Methods can be used by this system: 
|    VTAM? ..... NO    (Yes or No)                                      
|    EPS? ...... NO    (Yes or No)                                      
|    TCP/IP? ... YES    (Yes or No)                                       
| Link Establishment Timeout Period ... 60   Seconds                      

Why is this not working?


Release : 12.2

Component : CA NetMaster Suite


The regions were initialized using a modified 12.1 INIFILE to migrate the settings to 12.2, as per the doc recommendations.

As a result, the $NM SOCKETS parameter group initializes with TYPE=IBM.
The default for 12.2 is TYPE=USS, and this is required for the product to function correctly.

To correct the problem, do these two steps on all involved regions:

1. Update the SOCKETS parameter group from TYPE IBM to TYPE USS.
    Check the second screen to ensure the stack name is correct and the Netmaster OBEYFILE exists.
    Action the parameter group with F6 and ensure it completes correctly.

2. Select the MULTISYS  parameter group with U ((update).
    Action the parameter group with F6.
    Check the ILOG (F5 from the parameter group, or option L from the menu) and verify it has activated with the current timestamp.

Retry the link and sync process, which should now run successfully.

Additional Information

For details about the link and sync process itself, please review this knowledge base article

Please reviewe the 12.2  Install and Upgrade Guide, especially if you will be linking 12.1 and 12.2 regions together