Creating user in PeopleSoft Finance Endpoint failed with Password field does not match Confirm Password field error
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Creating user in PeopleSoft Finance Endpoint failed with Password field does not match Confirm Password field error


Article ID: 212598


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


We are integrating Identity Manager (IM) with PeopleSoft Finance 9.2. We were successfully able to connect to the Endpoint and did Explore and Correlate. However, when we are assigning a Provisioning Role to create an account on the Endpoint, it fails with below error:

:ETA_E_0016<AAC>, Account for Global User 'testuser' on PeopleSoft Endpoint 'XXXXXXXXX' creation failed: :ETA_E_0004<AAC>, PeopleSoft User 'testuser' on 'XXXXXXXXX' creation failed: Connector Server Add failed: code 53 (UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM): failed to add entry eTPPSUserID=testuser,eTPPSUserContainerName=PPS Users,eTPPSDirectoryName=XXXXXXXXX,eTNamespaceName=PeopleSoft,dc=im,dc=etasa: JCS@server_name: PPS: testuser cannot be created. The Password field does not match the Confirm Password field. (48,17). Error saving Component Interface. {CA_USER_PROFILE_EX} (91,37). Failed to execute PSBusComp request . (ldaps://

PeopleSoft Admin says that the user's account should be created without password. We have set the "Disable password propagation to the endpoints accounts" in the Endpoint Configuration. But, it still fails.

There is no Confirm Password field in the Endpoint Configuration in IM User Console. Using Provisioning Manager, Confirm password field is grayed out on the Endpoint Configuration screen.


Release : 14.x



To resolve this issue, empty the Password field in the Account Template.