Failed to initiate upgrade process. Not enough free space on /boot
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Failed to initiate upgrade process. Not enough free space on /boot


Article ID: 212588


Updated On:


Security Analytics


During the initialization of the upgrade process on Security Analytics, you may get an error that there is not enough free space on /boot


/boot partition contains old files that should be removed before upgrading.


The /boot partition contains critical files that assist with the boot process of Security Analytics including the linux kernel boot files.  It is possible that duplicate or files no longer needed by the operating system are not cleaned up properly.  You can see a listing of the files in the /boot partition by running the following commands.

To list all files in the /boot directory sorted by largest first:  ls -laSh

To list all files in the /boot directory including recursively looking at subfolders, run:  ls -laShR

Common files in this directory include vmlinuz-xxxx and initramfs-xxxxx.  Typically the intitramfs file will be the largest.  There should only be one initramfs file and one vmlinuz file.

Do not delete any files in the /boot partition unless you are instructed to do so by Broadcom support.  Be prepared to share the file listings with support.  Contact support for assistance in determining which files can be safely deleted.