Create a user of FAQS ASO on z/VSE that allows browse only of the VSE console for auditing purpose
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Create a user of FAQS ASO on z/VSE that allows browse only of the VSE console for auditing purpose


Article ID: 212484


Updated On:


FAQS - Automated Systems Operation


Need to create a user of FAQS ASO on z/VSE that allows browse only of the VSE console for auditing purpose. 

How to disable that option (OP) from the VSE Console.



Release : 1.0

Component : System Adapter - Component of CACIS VSE


Delete the MSGOP command from the user profile:   

1. From the FAQS ASO COMMAND screen type SCTY.

2. The FAQS ASO -- User ID Member List screen is displayed.

3. Place a P (stands for profile) next to the User ID.

4. This will bring up the FAQS ASO Security Profile Maintenance Menu.

5. Choose option C - General Commands.

6. This will bring up the FAQS ASO  -- Profile Member Maintenance.

7. Press PF8 scroll down until you see the MSGOP command.

8. Place an L next to MSGOP and press enter to delete that command from the users profile.

9. Press PF3 to go back a screen.

10. A message will be displayed that Profile Member   Changed!   

11. Press PF6 to save . A message will be displayed  Saved Profile Member

12.  The user needs to logoff and back on for the profile change to go into effect.

Note: This change will affect all users on this profile. It is recommended that the user creates a specific profile for the auditor and the auditor is the only one in it.