How to create an user of FAQS ASO on z/VSE that allow browse only of the VSE console. It's for auditing purpose.
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How to create an user of FAQS ASO on z/VSE that allow browse only of the VSE console. It's for auditing purpose.


Article ID: 212484


Updated On:


CA FAQS - Automated Systems Operation



I am looking to create an user of FAQS ASO on z/VSE that allow browse only of the VSE console. It's for auditing purpose. 

The question is how to disable that option (OP) from the VSE Console.



Release : 1.0

Component : System Adapter - Component of CA-CIS VSE


The customer will be able to disable that option from the VSE Console.

Have him delete the MSGOP command from his profile.  

1. From the FAQS ASO COMMAND screen type SCTY.

2. This will take him to the FAQS ASO -- User ID Member List screen

3. Place a P (stands for profile) next to this persons User ID.

4. This will take him to the  CA FAQS ASO Security Profile Maintenance Menu.

5. Choose option C - General Commands.

6. This will take him to the CA FAQS ASO  -- Profile Member Maintenance

7. Press PF8 scroll down until you see the MSGOP command.

8. Place an L next to MSGOP and press enter to delete that command from the users profile.

9. Press PF3 to go back a screen.

10. A message will be displayed that Profile Member                       Changed!   in Red.

11. Press PF6 to save . A message will be displayed  Saved Profile Member

12.  The user needs to logoff and back on for the change to his profile to go into effect.

Keep in mind that this change will affect all users on this profile. So it is recommended the user create a specific profile for the auditor and the auditor is the only one in it..