CAUAJM_E_00179 Unable to load the CA Secure Sockets Adapter shared library dynamically. Process terminating.
Library "libcasocket" has not been loaded
sh: line 1: 24594 Killed chk_auto_up -saml "UserSession;Version-1.0;253eae2add2df0d53283440d4f060fa3-605b2bcd-e430e1a0-3f32"
StatusCode: 200, URL:
CA-wcc log:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:40 | 451 | @ecli < Thread-35> [] INFO #CommandProcess # Executing request for AutoSys
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:40 | 451 | @ecli < Thread-35> [] INFO #CommandProcess # command: autorep -J AY%
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:40 | 451 | @ecli < Thread-35> [] INFO #WebServerCommandClientReq # URL:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:40 | 451 | @ecli < Thread-35> [] INFO #WebServerCommandClientReq # Body:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:40 | 451 | <commandRequest><command>autorep -J AY% -saml "UserSession;Version-1.0;ac55341031ab809e696917a71cfcef9b-605b2bcd-e430e1a0-3ade"</command><osUser>testuser</osUser><osPassword>08336E590F4FBAF62C5C15D5173FCEFF</osPassword><timeout>300000</timeout></commandRequest>
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:41 | 452 | @ecli < Thread-35> [] INFO #WebServerCommandClientReq # Status: 200
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:41 | 452 | @ecli < Thread-35> [] INFO #WebServerCommandClientReq # Response: {"stdErr":["sh: line 1: 4981 Killed autorep -J AY% -saml \"UserSession;Version-1.0;ac55341031ab809e696917a71cfcef9b-605b2bcd-e430e1a0-3ade\""],"stdOut":["CAUAJM_E_00179 Unable to load the CA Secure Sockets Adapter shared library dynamically. Process terminating.","Library \"libcasocket\" has not been loaded"]}
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:41 | 452 | @ecli < Thread-35> [] ERROR #WebServerCommandClientReq # Server Error:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:41 | 452 | sh: line 1: 4981 Killed autorep -J AY% -saml "UserSession;Version-1.0;ac55341031ab809e696917a71cfcef9b-605b2bcd-e430e1a0-3ade"
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:41 | 452 |
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:41 | 452 | StatusCode: 200
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:41 | 452 | at
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/04/07 09:31:41 | 452 | at
Release : 12
When the client used /etc/init.d/waae_webserver.$AUTOSERV to start the product as autosys the environment was set correctly.
When they used root it did not.
The issue appeared isolated to something in the client's environment as it is not reproducible else where.
Case was not pursued further.
NOTE - look into sourcing $AUTOUSER/<hostname> as that should set the environment needed for the product.
Check into permissions of /etc/profile.CA too, the web server startup does a run_as_user so, if the user cannot source /etc/profile or /etc/profile.CA the needed environment will be missing