The Kibana or Elastic timeout is set to 90 seconds but there is the need to execute a huge query to export some data that takes more than this time. Is there a way to increase the Kibana timeout?
AXA 17.x OnPremise
The property in kibana.yml controlling the timeout is called "elasticsearch.requestTimeout". It works at Tenant level so you would need to update the kibana.yml for the tenant you are interested in increasing the timeout, eg:
[root@lvntest aoPlatform]# locate kibana.yml
Increase "elasticsearch.requestTimeout property:
# Time in milliseconds to wait for responses from the back end or Elasticsearch. This value
# must be a positive integer.
elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 90000
NOTE: Please use it with caution, once the query is executed successfully we would recommend to revert back the change to default value otherwise it can cause instability