TWS error MSGY724E running concurrent JCLCheck validation jobs
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TWS error MSGY724E running concurrent JCLCheck validation jobs


Article ID: 212383


Updated On:


JCLCheck Workload Automation


Trying to run in parallel two or more JCLCheck batch jobs validating several  Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) members, randomly one of them can get the TWS Error Message MSGY724E, as in the following sample execution: 

Is it possible to bypass this problem in order to allow parallel executions when a huge number of TWS members should be validated? 


Release :  

Component : CA JCLCheck workload Automation


It is possible to run in parallel two or more JCLCheck batch jobs validating TWS members, if each of them uses a unique W_ADID value specified in the Tivoli Workload Scheduler parameters used for the 'Resolve External Variables' phase, done before the members validation phase.

An explanation of the W_ADID parm is provided here :

Specify Tivoli Workload Scheduler Parameters