Browse VSAM file getting OPEN Error in RLS mode message.
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Browse VSAM file getting OPEN Error in RLS mode message.


Article ID: 212297


Updated On:


File Master Plus


Try open VSAM file via File Master r12.0 getting *** Open Error *** message on left upper corner and OPEN Error in RLS mode message at the bottom. 


Release : 12.0

Component : CA File Master Plus


The VSAM file allocated as RLS mode but SMS or storage class does not allow RLS mode.


This happens when a dataset was created or modified to be used in RLS mode, but the storage/data/management class does not allow it. 
IDCAMS does not check the storage/data/management class against the RLS options.   
The LISTCAT that client provided shows the data set has the RLS options we support.  
VSAM QUIESCED (NO) means the dataset should be handled in RLS Mode

  LOG ------------------NONE   RECOVERY REQUIRED --(NO)     FRLOG ---------   
  VSAM QUIESCED -------(NO)    RLS IN USE ---------(NO)     LOGREPLICATE---   


The user should ensure the SMS storage/data/management classes support RLS. 


  DATACLASS ---------VSXLG     


If it turns out the storage/data/management class does not support RLS, the data set should not be processed in RLS mode. 
The user needs to turn the VSAM QUIESCED flag to YES. Go to FMP VSAM 3.7 , M (modify command) O (execution mode),  they should see the RLSENABLE field to Y. 
Type N and Enter. This will set VSAM QUIESCED to N and the data set will open again (in non-RLS mode). 

 --------  CA File Master Plus --------  Modify VSAM File (Page 2 of 2)  ------
 Record Level Sharing parameters:                                              
   LOG             ===> ____                       (NONE/UNDO/ALL)             
   FRLOG           ===> ____                       (NONE/UNDO/ALL/REDO)        
   LOGREPLICATE    ===> N                          (Y/N)                       
   LOGSTREAMID     ===> _________________________                              
   RLSENABLE       ===> Y                          (Y/N)