UNIX/Linux: All Jobs abort on node with user in group domain users
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UNIX/Linux: All Jobs abort on node with user in group domain users


Article ID: 212294


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


In a new Dollar Universe installation performed with a user belonging to a group "domain users", processes start fine but ALL jobs Abort with "Could not Submit" generating an empty Job Log and a unibatchenv file in the temp folder:

Example of Job log in $UXLEX:

-rw-r--r-- 1 universe.user domain users      0 Mar 25 14:04 XL000000001U000000789.0000016

Example of unibatchenv in $U_TMP_PATH:

-rw-rw-rw- 1 universe.user domain users 13304 Mar 25 14:04 unibatchenv_X0000016


Release : 6.x


OS: Unix/Linux only


By Design:

Dollar Universe does not support Unix/Linux group names having spaces on it such as "domain users", which leads to authentication issues.


Use a local or LDAP user having a local group respecting the POSIX naming convention (without white-spaces in the name) as Dollar Universe Administrator.

To do so:

1. As root create the username let's say univa with a local group like univa

2. Stop the node and assign it to this new username univa

. ./unienv.ksh


$UNI_DIR_EXEC/uxrights -m assign -a univa


3. Start the node:


4. Edit the System User of the submission accounts such as administrator and map it to this new user (univa)