Unable to find Domsession, or Unable to obtain Domsession messages in stdlog
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Unable to find Domsession, or Unable to obtain Domsession messages in stdlog


Article ID: 21228


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


The recurring messages that are seen are similar to these:

3/05 09:28:03.40 [EXAMPLE SERVER] domsrvr 19364 ERROR sec_mgr.c 3859 Unable to find DomSession #### used by user <USERID> invoked by domsrvr with reply method dob

3/05 09:28:03.42 [EXAMPLE SERVER] domsrvr 19364 ERROR domset.c 9950 dob_by_persid() failed for wf:#### (string)Unable to obtain DomSession ####

These messages may be an indication that the user identified in the first message has a session open with Service Desk that has been started but not touched for some time; when the user comes back to the session, it has already timed out.

There may be a pop-up message displayed on the user's system, possibly in a background window, indicating that the session has timed out.

Note that the DomSession identifier, ####, in the 2 messages in the example given above, match.


CA Service Desk - All Versions.


The user identified in the message needs to click on the 'OK' or 'Cancel' button that is in the pop-up window. This will end the session and instruct the user to login again.