Unable to install Spectrum 10.4.3 on Linux using Sudo and receive error Insufficient Privileges.
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Unable to install Spectrum 10.4.3 on Linux using Sudo and receive error Insufficient Privileges.


Article ID: 212272


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


After trying and completing the steps from KB article

Spectrum 20.2.7 (10.4.3) distributed install on Linux using sudo fails with "Insufficient privileges" error.

We are still receiving the same error message "SPC-INT-20074: Insufficient privileges on <Hostname>" during the installation of Spectrum 10.4.3. (20.2.7).


Release : 10.4.3

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER 



As a new requirement in Spectrum 10.4.3 onwards, the sudoers file needs to contain the specific hostname where Spectrum is being installed to.


In the sudoers file, there is a new requirement in Spectrum 10.4.3 onwards that requires specifying the sradmin.exe path with install hostname

In previous versions of Spectrum before 10.4.3, this line in the sudoers file would work

(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sw/SPECTRUM/SRAdmin/sradmin.exe


Now as enhanced security you must use this format for the sradmin.exe in the sudoers file:

<user> <hostname> = <path to sradmin>



spectrum spectrum01 = /sw/SPECTRUM/SRAdmin/sradmin.exe

Where spectrum is the Spectrum Install Owner account and spectrum01 is the hostname



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