On the Custom Page - Filters not present when its shared with other team members. It works for the creator who has created the custom page.
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On the Custom Page - Filters not present when its shared with other team members. It works for the creator who has created the custom page.


Article ID: 212254


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


On the Custom Page - Filters not present when its shared with other team members. It works for the creator who has created the custom page.


Essentially, on-page filters are only saved for the viewing user, however, in-app settings will save for everyone.  Some of our newer pages (ex: Work Views do save filter information), but custom pages do not.

It would be possible to create some in-app settings that could be used instead of filters.  For example: for a custom page with a custom list, you could remove the filters you currently have set up from the application and create an in app filter that looks something like this:

(((((c_FoundInRelease = "PI34") AND (State != "Cancelled")) AND (c_ServiceNowIDINC = null)) AND (c_DefectType != "Integration")) AND (c_DefectType != "Regression"))