Is there a significant difference between "API Gateway Enterprise MULTI-PLATFORM " and "API Gateway Enterprise Partner non-production MULTI-PLATFORM"  ?
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Is there a significant difference between "API Gateway Enterprise MULTI-PLATFORM " and "API Gateway Enterprise Partner non-production MULTI-PLATFORM"  ?


Article ID: 212242


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


Is there a significant difference between this one "API Gateway Enterprise MULTI-PLATFORM "

and the one labeled "API Gateway Enterprise Partner non-production MULTI-PLATFORM"  ?



Release : 9.4, 10.x

Component : API GATEWAY


There's no functional difference between them, they're effectively the same thing in terms of functionality on the API Gateway application.

You can see both (or more) typically due to different licensing contracts and entitlements for your Site ID signed over the years. 

Essentially different purchases by your Site ID has led to different SKUs which have different names.

Most Customers  download using the steps below :

from download center : 


2. click on API Gateway Familiy and will re-direct to

3. from second (2) tab bottom/bullet of the page. browse to "API Gateway Enterprise MULTI-PLATFORM" and click on that. will redirect to

4. If you have any questions around contracts and entitlements for your Site ID, 
  you'll be best served by speaking with your Account Executive or the Broadcom Sales department.