The initial release of ISG version was bundled with Edge SWG (ProxySG) running SGOS
However, starting with ISG version, Edge SWG (ProxySG) was decoupled from ISG and is considered a separate application running on the ISG.
Starting with ISG version, CAS application support was added.
Starting with ISG version, MC application support was added.
ISG hardware platform running or later.
The following steps are needed to run an application on the ISG platform:
Using those steps as a guideline, here is an example of setting up a Edge SWG (ProxySG) application on the ISG, the steps are the same for CAS & Management Center.
1. Load a license on the ISG
If you have already loaded the license on the ISG, go to step 2.
i. go into configure mode
> enable
# configure
ii. To load a license you have to run the command:
licensing load id <license_id> username <username> (hit enter)
password: <password>
Which loads the license from the backend of the ISG, where
<license_id> is the license ID or serial number of the application
<username> is your myBroadcom username
<password> is your myBroadcom password
For licenses that you have already loaded and need to be updated, you can retrieve updates without providing your myBroadcom username and password.
For this example:
(config)# licensing load id xxxxxxxxxx username Admin (hit enter)
password: *******
You can view the license to see if it was successful with the "view" command like so:
(config)# licensing view
Node Locked License ID: xxxxxxxxxxx
Application Type: SG
Model: C4L
Limit: 1
Total Created (2): SG1, SG2
In-Use (1): SG1
After loading the license, you must restart the application that is using the license, if you have an application that is tied to the license. This is so that any updates will be reflected in the application.
2. Load an application image onto the ISG
i. From the CLI on the ISG, enter configure mode, then go into the images section:
> enable
# configure
(config)# images
ii. Execute the command:
(config-images)# load
Replace the URL above with a valid URL to the OS version image you want to load.
For more information on how to create the download link, refer to Article: 169271
iii. Verify that the image loaded with the following command:
(config-images)# view sg
Image ID Size Type Version Release ID In Use
sg- 140 MB SG 260586 1
To view CAS images you would execute "view cas" instead of "view sg".
To view MC images you would execute "view mc" instead of "view sg"
3. Create a new application instance with a license
i. From the CLI exit images and go to applications:
(config-images)# exit
(config)# applications
ii. Execute the command to create the proxy instance:
create sg <sg_name> model <model_type> license-id <license_id> image-id <image_id>
sg_name is the name of the Edge SWG (ProxySG) application. You select the name you want to give it.
model_type is the model type you purchased for the application; see the ISG Administration & Deployment Guide for a full list of available model types
license_id is the license ID or the serial number of the application
image_id is the ID of the application image that you want to use to create the application. You would get the id from the previous step.
If you want to create a CAS application substitute "cas" for "sg" above.
If you want to create a MC application substitute "mc" for "sg" above.
Continuing our example on creating the Edge SWG (ProxySG) application:
(config-applications)# create sg proxysg01 model C4L license-id xxxxxxxxxx image-id ProxySG_6.7.5.10-260586
4. Start the new application
i. From the config-applications section you will need to use the command:
start <application name you named it above>
So, in our example, the name of the Edge SWG (ProxySG) we created is proxysg01. The command we would execute would be:
(config-applications)# start proxysg01
ii. Use the view to make sure it started by executing the "view all" command:
(config-applications)# view all
CAS1 CAS 16 32 GB 200 GB C16S Created ########## cas-
proxysg01 SG 4 12 GB 200 GB C4L Running ########## sg-
In this case, we can see that the application we created, proxysg01, is running. After the "view all" command the status could be "Starting" or "Running".
5. Connect to the new application and configure the application from console
i. From the config-applications section you will need to use the command:
attach-console <the name you gave to your application>
For our example it would look like this:
(config-applications)# attach-console proxysg01
That should connect you to the console and you can watch the boot (if it's not finished) then allow you to get into the console to configure the unit.
IMPORTANT: The IP address that you assign to your application should differ from the IP address that you assigned to the ISG, even if it shares the same physical interface.
You can exit out of serial console session with CTRL-]
After configuring the application, then you can connect to the application Management Console GUI interface.