Gantt Chart does not Show Task Hierarchy Indentation
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Gantt Chart does not Show Task Hierarchy Indentation


Article ID: 21219


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


After creating summary tasks, phases and tasks, the Gantt chart still shows all of the tasks aligned without any hierarchical indentations. Why is this?


Release: All releases
Component: PPM Project Management


This is due to an old defect that after being reviewed by development, it was determined to be one that will not be fixed. The defect was that the task indentation does work properly if the first column on the list is not the Task column. 


Edit the gantt view to make the Task name column be the first column. Once the Task column is made the first one on the list, the task indentation will work and appear as expected. This can be done from within the Options - Configure - List Column Section - Layout.