All users are unable to log in on AWI due to Session Expired error.
Release : 12.2
The JCP log was filled with these errors
20210407/053307.364 - 32 U00003525 UCUDB: ===> 'DELETE TOP (1) FROM MQ2CP006 WITH(READPAST) OUTPUT deleted.MQCP_PK,deleted.MQCP_CAddr,deleted.MQCP_BAcv,deleted.MQCP_BAddr,deleted.MQCP_BSRName,deleted.MQCP_Status,deleted.MQCP_Msg,deleted.MQCP_BTable,deleted.MQCP_CSRName,deleted.MQCP_PhysAddr'
20210407/053349.033 - 32 U00003524 UCUDB: ===> Time critical DB call! OPC: 'SLCT' time: '2203ms'
Did a count on MQ2CP006 and found that the table had 26197 entries.
Checked the MQsrv table and found that the JCP was running since November 2020.
Restarted the JCP service and it took around 10 mins for it clear the MQ2CP006 table.
Now login to AWI was successful